Wednesday, November 28, 2012


今週末JLPT: N2の試験を受けます。試験を受けることについては複雑な心境です。漢字や語彙の知識は低くも高くもないので、今の知識で試験を合格できるのかが今ちょっと心配です。



Tuesday, November 27, 2012

「May Queen」という韓国のドラマ

私は高校時代から韓国と日本のドラマを見ることが趣味の一つです。今放送している「結婚しない」という日本のドラマと同時に「May Queen」という韓国のドラマも見ています。韓国のドラマを熱心に見るのはずいぶん久しぶりでしたが、やっと面白くて興味が続くドラマを見つけました!

このドラマは韓国にある「ウルサン」という町が舞台です。船を造ることに興味がある「Hae Joo」という女性が主人子です。彼女のお父さんは彼女が赤ちゃんであったときに殺されました。犯人はお父さんの親友です。殺した動機を説明するのは難しいですけど、主な理由はお金と、当時の恋人であった彼女のお母さんと結婚したいということで、それでお父さんを殺し、Hae Jooを誘拐して、ある家族の養子にさせました。彼女のお母さんは取り乱して消えた我が子を探していました。探しに探したが、親友が、誘拐したHae Jooの死を偽装し、本当のことをごまかしました。その上、親友から結婚してくれないかというお願いがきて、お母さんはその人の罪を全然知らずに結婚しました。しかし、お母さんは娘が本当に死んだということを信じずにずっと娘のことを探したいました。

27年がたって、亡くなったお父さんの弟がやっと真実を知りました。弟は検事で、正義をもたらすために、真実を公式に明らかにすると誓いました。もちろん、弟はHae Jooの叔父さんであり、それで感激させるシーンもありました。第30話ではHae Jooの叔父さんから全てを聞かれ、そしてDNA鑑定を通して、27年間娘を探していたお母さんも真実を知りました。さらに元主人を殺した人と娘を誘拐した人が27年連れ添ってきた夫であったことはお母さんにとって大変辛いことでした。一緒に住むのずいぶん難しくなりました。しかし、お母さんと結婚した親友はかなり恐ろしい人で、誰かが真実を見つけ出そうとしたら、その人は事故に遭います。Hae Jooを守るためにお母さんも叔父さんも何も言わず、その親友を禁錮刑にする方法を探しています。

次の話は土曜日に放送するので私はすごくわくわくしています。Hae Jooと彼女の家族はどうなるだろう?このドラマは韓国でとても人気があるので、全32話が延長して38話のドラマになりました。延長については複雑な心境です。このドラマは面白いですが、ダラダラと引きずらずにそろそろ終わりにして欲しい気持ちがあります。とにかく次の話はとても楽しみにしています!

Monday, November 26, 2012



Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lang-8 website

  So the JLPT N2 exam is this weekend and needless to say I'm really not ready to take it...but I decided to give it a shot anyway. While studying for the test I came across this site called "Lang-8" where you write in the language you're studying and a native person will check your grammar and sentence structure for you. In return you also check there passages they wrote so it's like a writing exchange. When I came across this site at first I thought it was too good to be true but it's really real! lol I try to write on it everyday now! From now on, on this blog as well along with my translations of the Asahi shimbun newspaper I sometimes write on here, I'll also write the corrected versions of the writings I posted on the site. I highly recommend the site to anyone learning a new language that's having a hard time trying to find a native to help them out!

Post 1:





Post 2: 




Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Amity Placement

Well the email has come from Amity on a job offer where I would be leaving to go to Japan and teaching in Utsunomiya-shi at the beginning of March of next year. While I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity I do have some doubts about just up and leaving to go to Japan. At first...I wouldn't have hesitated to take the job but now that I have a lot more obligations and commitments's a really hard call to make. First and foremost I'm worried about my loans. Although even if I find work in DC (which seems really dismal and an impossible task at the moment) I would only be able to take on one or two loans at a time if I wanted to pay them off faster. This being considered I would pretty much be only allowed to do the same thing if I took this teaching job but I wouldn't be able to save as much because I would have to pay for rent and other such obligations that living on your own entails. Living at home and commuting to work I could save more and not have to dump all my savings I have now on preparation to live and work in Japan.

My original plan was to maybe work in DC for a year and save while trying to at least pay off one of my loans before I made a commitment to go and teach in Japan. I would be able to save money and by the time I was ready to make the commitment I would have money to spend on the commitment while also having a little in my savings so I wouldn't have to come back home broke...seeing as how I won't be able to save that much in Japan just because all my money would be going to loans and living expenses. I know if I budget right I would be only to save a maybe around $50~$100 a month but I don't want to blow all the savings I have now and go to Japan and have loans up to my neck only to come back a year later with no more than $200 in my savings.

That being said financially it would be more beneficial for me to stay in the states...however, finding a job here has been increasingly challenging seeing as all the interviews I have been on only lead to a rejection email reiterating "Thank you for your time" I am losing hope and feel that I might have to take this job whether I'm ready for it or not. I can't just sit around and wait for a job here knowing that nothing is completely certain when I could have a job in 4 months in Japan...

Not only am I weighing my money woes...I'm also thinking about what leaving here will mean for me personally. I am getting better with being alone and I feel that I might be able to handle living in Japan on my own and figuring out a life for me there. Although I know it will be a lonely one I feel that the job and other activities I  find to supplement my life will keep me busy enough to not go insane. I do think about my relationship...but I feel like he doesn't really care that much about whether I go or stay and since he's been through the heart break thing before I don't thing it'll affect him as much as it will for me. Going away and not talking on a regular basis will put a strain on the relationship and I don't know if we're going to break up or not...but he has he's friends and his job to occupy his time so I don't think it'll be that much of a heartache for him.....*sigh* I really have no idea what's going on in my life right now...I really want to just stay here and save money...and be more prepared for this kind of commitment but there's nothing I can do if no one wants to give me a chance and allow me to work. I also have to think about my loans and the sacrifices my dad is making right now in paying some of the payments while I'm looking for a job...I absolutely just HAVE to find a job so I can help pay these things off...I just have to.   

Thursday, November 8, 2012

サンタさんの優しい贈り物:集団避難先を訪問 Santa's kind gifts: A visit to the affected areas

On the 7th [December, 2011] Finland's Santa foundation sent a certified Santa to Kisai High School located in Kazo, Saitama when residents living in Fubata, Fukushima had to evacuate after the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident.   

Through an interpreter, Santa gave greetings stating, "I wish for everyone to be able to return to the Northeast region [of Japan] and handed out presents containing sweets and calenders.

4th grader [Mei] (10) movingly stated, "I'm happy. He beard was long and it surprised me but his hands are really warm." 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Update: Interviews

Hi Everyone,
Well I have an update on my interview status and unfortunately I wasn't extended an offer with the Legal Assistant job I interviewed for before going on my Amity interview. Mixed feelings right now because I was excited about working for them and being able to have the chance to use my Japanese...but I had a feeling that the interview didn't go as well as I would have hoped. I really tried hard though and sent a follow up thank you email and an email stating that I really wanted to work for the firm and that it was my first choice. I guess maybe that turned them off a little bit...I really don't know. However fortunately since that interview I've been on a couple others so that job wasn't the sole one I was counting on before packing up my things and just going to Japan. Hopefully something will come up before December...because that's when all my first loan payments are due...all $1211.02 of them.