Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Amity General Offer...and other job interviews

So I just received an email giving me a general offer to pursue employment with Amity. While I am excited about this, I do have my worries because at this point in my life where my debt is so huge and I have so little saved, I don't think it's the best decision to go over to Japan right now. With Amity, you have to bring at least around $1500~$3000 with you to start up with because you won't be getting paid when you first start and there will be bills to pay. I don't have that kind of money right now and on top of that I have loans to pay off. If push comes to shove I will have to somehow get around $1000 working part-time somewhere and then go...and have to live off the salary that they give only being able to save maybe $50 a month.

However, I have been on two more interviews and hopefully I'll here back from one of them by the end of next week sometime. My thinking now is that if I can work here and get a pretty decent salary and study Japanese on my own for around a year in a half, then I would be ready to go over to Japan. I would be able to bring the amount of start up money I need and I would have more experience in a working environment that I could add to my resume and help me find another job when I get back to the states. I really feel that staying here is the best thing for me right now, not only financially but emotionally as well. I feel that I'm not ready to go back to Japan after my study abroad experience and to tell the truth I feel like my relationship with my boyfriend isn't strong enough for me to be that far away from him yet. There are just so many factors financially and emotionally that I don't know if going to Japan is the best thing for me right now.

I still do want to go back and I still want to study the language because it is ultimately my dream to become a translator. I love to connect different languages together and I love Japanese. I feel that after I study a little I have completed my day. It's a challenging language and at my level I am on the cusp of becoming an advanced learner. I feel that if I stay here and find a job or even if I go abroad to Japan, I will still have to put in extra time to studying, even though it will be a little easier going to Japan because I will be immersed in it. However, I think that even here I can still do a language exchange during the weekend and study while working in the states. I'm not going to give up on Japanese because I really find it rewarding in more ways than one.

Right now, I'm in a waiting period. Still waiting on some jobs I interviewed to get back to me and still waiting on what my next move will be post graduation. I'm still trying to look for jobs here in the states because I feel that will be my best bet before I try and make a year commitment to go back to Japan. However nothing is certain so I still have to keep Amity and teaching in Japan a viable option right now.   


Lauren-nyan said...

hi! I have a question about Amity. How long is the unpaid period? Is it only one month, since expenses are about $3000 USD (I read that Amity salary is ~270k yen a month)? Thanks!

Asheli said...

Hi Lauren,
Thanks for your comment. The unpaid period at Amity depends on when you get settled into your new school. I came at the beginning of March and settled into my new school around the third week of March. I got paid at the end of the Month but it wasn't a full pay check. I will probably receive my first full pay check at the end of April so yes I would say it is around one month before you get paid. Amity recommends that you bring $3000 dollars but honestly I only brought $2500 with me and I still have $1000 so its up to you how much you think you will need to get yourself started. I would recommend not bringing any less than $1500 though. Hope this helps =)