So guys, I am one of the more fortunate ones to have regained power the next day (Tuesday 10/30) One hell of a storm. This just goes to show what climate change really does people! It's so important now then ever that we not turn a deaf ear to this. How can we as people living on this Earth just ignore all the signs that say "Hey! Change your ways or your going to be living on the next Venus" Hurricanes like this have never and I mean never happened like this in my 23 years of living and if nothing is done, I might see even worse than this.
Right now I do feel powerless to help because I have a crap load of burdens and worries I'm facing myself right now. Student loan debt and debt collectors calling asking if I have a job yet and if I'm going to have trouble paying...I mean these people are crazy. If I tell you I don't have a job yet with no money coming in, then yes, yes I will have a problem making payments. It's just insanity. Discover student loans has called me twice already, PNC three times and countless emails, welcome to hell Asheli =)
If having a massive debt isn't stressful enough, I have yet to find a job which has it's on tolls on your psyche. I'm still looking and hopefully will hear back from somewhere soon.
My relationship with my boyfriend isn't the best. My body is doing all sorts of weird things since I've been sexually active for the first time in my life and sometimes it really scares me. I have no idea what's going on and I don't want to scare him too but I feel like I need to talk to someone about it...I feel like if I talk to my mom about having pregnancy-like symptoms she'll freak out and tell me I told you so. We're very responsible though and always always use protection so I know I shouldn't worry, but there's always the what if and this is my first time being active so I don't know what the hell I'm feeling or what my body is telling me. It's just scary sometimes because everyone says you are the one that knows your body the best...but lately I've been feeling kinda distant and unsure about what the hell my body's been telling me. For the past couple of weeks I've been feeling nauseated, since yesterday I've been peeing a lot and cramping.
Most of these symptoms probably mean that my period's coming and I've probably been peeing a lot because I've been wearing pants that put pressure on my lower abdomen but if you haven't known by now I'm the epitome of a hypochondriac so it goes without saying that urinary tract infection, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, pregnancy and everything in between pop into my head...
sorry I kind of got off track about my relationship...well I guess with me being scared and unsure, mood swings and both of us still trying to figure out our place in each others goes without saying that our relationship isn't stellar. We fight, talk, worry, fight some more, I feel like he doesn't care about me one minute and feel like he's the best thing since slice bread the next, it's just an emotional roller coaster but in the end, when I think about it I wouldn't want to be riding this ride with a complete ass that didn't give to shits about the way I feel and think, and he is the furthest thing from that so I guess that's all I can ask for. We're both in transitional phases in our lives and it goes without saying that uncertainty, fear, anger, aggression, and all that other stuff comes with dating and life in I'll just have to ride it out...just like people are doing with this storm!
Everyone, please be safe and let's start listening to our surroundings! I pray for all the people in New York and New Jersey who have been flooded and have power outages. We all have struggles some more serious than others but struggles nonetheless. We all are not weak though! We can get through this. I will be strong and brace another day just like everyone else should because the human race is a strong willed and powerful people.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
宿題もタブレット Even homework on a tablet
So since I haven't done a lot of Japanese study because of all the craziness in my life I've decided to do another news paper article. Even though this time instead of translate it word for word I'll just summarize what it says in English under the Japanese:
-デジタルが来た Digital has Arrived
On November 28th in Sagae, Yamagata prefecture Nasumi Kazuko (54) stated during a second grade math class at Takamatsu municipal elementary school, " These are quadrilateral shapes everyone found around the school." At that moment...
Fish tank, electrical outlet, bathroom title, poster, shoe box... On the electric blackboard next to the window, pictures that students had took with a tablet PC's camera function were being shown. "Oh, that's me!" "Hey! Where did you take that?" "Teacher I want to submit mine!" The classroom was suddenly filled with excited. This was a lesson that considered the characteristics of different shapes.
-国際交流 International Exchange
On the 29th at Hamamasu's Municipal Elementary school in Ishikari, Hokkaido, a region that is underpopulated with only 60 children enrolled in the school, decided to broaden their global spectrum and along with comprehensive integrated learning, 4th graders wrote messages to exchange with Canadian students.
"There aren't many children but the one's we have are bright and healthy" Sitting at a desk that holds 12 people with a tablet PC for each child placed on the table, the children typed their messages. At that moment, the messages along with pictures of the children's faces were displayed on the electric blackboard. The school has plans to mail the messages after receiving a translation of the messages from the Ishikari International Association.
-比較一瞬 Let's compare for a moment
On the 30th, at Kanayo municipal Elementary school in Minoo, Osaka, a 4th grade language class uses a textbook describing how to shoot television footage as learning material.
Instructor Yamada, Yosuke(25) displays the textbook on an electric blackboard and enlarges a picture of a soccer field. " Let's underline with blue marker the part that talks about this scene" A desk holding 31 students only contains computers, mouses and pencil cases. The children drew their lines on a computer screen's digital textbook by pressing the screen's marker button and choosing the blue color and using a specialized pen or mouse.
Instructor Yamada, one by one displayed on the electronic blackboard three student's screens. "Ah! That's different from mine." "It's the same." Student's voices are heard from every inch of the classroom.
This is a depiction of an advanced high-tech school promoting learning digitization.
A digital textbook that includes an electronic black board on a super big scale connected to a tablet and a screen that has the ability to turn pages. It's like a god-send so to speak.
And that's not all.
At Aoyama Elementary School in Minato, Tokyo, a class that uses multiplication formulas to create word problems uses digital pens. When pictures or letters are written on specialized paper, a small advanced camera reads the pen position's information. The information is sent to the computer through a wireless connection and projected on a big TV as an image.
In Kumamoto, Yamaga, Kudami Municipal Elementary School's Instructor Momoda Shisui (45) has developed and utilized around 30 multiplication and speed math digital education materials stating, "The good thing about digital when comparing it is that it has the ability to show change and movement [in the student's progression]"
-指で四択 Four choices at your fingertips
Learning using electronics is trying to spread from the classroom to the home.
In an attempt to see how learning at home in conjunction with the classroom has [on students] NTT sequentially from September are beginning to make 5th graders subjects at seven public elementary schools nationwide.
(Town Municipal) Yoron Elementary school in Kagoshima, Yorontou is one of these schools. In the middle of November, Harumi brings home a tablet operated by one's finger and does her homework in her living room.
4 choice questions arise where [students] read bar graphs about societal problems pertaining to most industrial areas or a region's amount production. When you select a number with your finger, a circle pops up right away along with the answer's explanation.
In Yorontou, three schools are participating in this exchange. Out of the 40 households participating in the study, NTT laid down new connections for the 11 households that didn't have broadband connection.
In Japan, computers began implementation in schools around a quarter of a century ago. Looking towards the "One child, one computer" generation, METI is now beginning research on the electronic textbook at the same school where technology-based experiments were carried out in a model school that the Ministry of Internal Affairs started last year. The subject schools [for the research] are over 20 schools. How will the classroom evolve in the future?
Displayed on the screen at the November 14th Ministry of Internal Affairs/METI's Co-Deputy Minister's council meeting was an image of elementary school student with a pen at hand, imputing letters on what seemed to be an electronic gaming device such as the Nintendo DS. There was also an instance where a big screen used as an electronic blackboard for learning was displayed.
This is one way of promoting a "Future School" started by the Ministry of Internal Affairs last year. With a special support plan, nationally 20 elementary and middle schools are waiting for a personal computer for every child. This also serves as a demonstration for METI's electronic textbooks.
On the day of the council meeting, there were nearly 100 people that wished to sit in on the meeting and thus the selection became a lottery drawing [for who got to sit in] METI 's policy director Ken Ito states, " Right now, there's a lot of concentration put on computerizing education."
Parent's expectations are also big. In a 2006 Benesse internet survey, 88% of 1800 parents of elementary and middle school students answered, "Computer's are beneficial to learning."
-あくまで道具 The only/sole tool
On the other hand, this same school is trying to calmly ease its way into the wave of digitization. Principal Kotake, Kyoko at one of the future schools, Higashiyama Municipal Elementary School located in Aichi, Obu states, " I'm most worried about if just using this digital equipment will perhaps become the goal of the class."
It's been around 1 year since the project began.
Children as well as teachers have gotten use to operating the machines. While studying on your own, personal computers will automatically grade Kanji drills and on the electronic black boards figures and shapes are able to move around freely. However others assert, "Digitization being the sole tool, if using paper and a chalk board make the concepts more easy to understand there's really no point."
All elementary schools in Kumamoto, Hitoyoshi have deployed a computer for every two students. Schools are realizing that seven schools connected under one network, there will inevitably be some classes will be out of the network's reach. At Azuma elementary this fall the 5th graders are learning about Minamata disease (Mercury poisoning) and as a group using a computer made newspaper articles. With this the feel of the digital classroom is changing. Children can already in an instant look up people they aren't familiar with on their cell phones. This is an age where the behavior of young people connected to the internet are dramatically changing the world.
However digital is not the only means. What I want to bring attention to is if this is really revolutionizing learning. Digital equipment is perfect for connecting children to information overseas and allowing for an exchange of ideas.
I want to spread not only a "cohesive classroom" where one teacher and his/her students learn while thinking about the same knowledge but also "Individualized learning" that meets a student's individual needs and "Collaborative learning" where everyone helps to teach each other. There are also other issues that should be considered. We have to hurry with research to figure out the impacts of giving electronic devices human intelligence.There's also various suitable learning methods such as just turning a page and writing notes that move the five senses. It's important to examine under what circumstances something should be used.
The TCT (Information and Communication Technologies) discussions tend to fall into the computer or human, digital or analog type of dichotomy between the two. In order for that not to happen, it's necessary for the "pen and paper" generation to learn more about the digital world. From the perspective of children living today, in this news paper I'd like to move forward and create new learning possibilities.
I think there's a lot of progress going on in the field of education and technology is another learning tool being introduced in schools since a lot of technology most kids use at their house anyway. Kids nowadays have ipads and iphones, computers and other digital devices already so I don't think it's such a bad idea to implement them into the classroom as well. Although I can see the worry some people have about making that be the sole priority and how other more traditional methods of learning maybe be more suitable to students. I think the author of the article was right in thinking that it's important to really find when it's appropriate to use what kinds of materials.
-デジタルが来た Digital has Arrived
On November 28th in Sagae, Yamagata prefecture Nasumi Kazuko (54) stated during a second grade math class at Takamatsu municipal elementary school, " These are quadrilateral shapes everyone found around the school." At that moment...
Fish tank, electrical outlet, bathroom title, poster, shoe box... On the electric blackboard next to the window, pictures that students had took with a tablet PC's camera function were being shown. "Oh, that's me!" "Hey! Where did you take that?" "Teacher I want to submit mine!" The classroom was suddenly filled with excited. This was a lesson that considered the characteristics of different shapes.
-国際交流 International Exchange
On the 29th at Hamamasu's Municipal Elementary school in Ishikari, Hokkaido, a region that is underpopulated with only 60 children enrolled in the school, decided to broaden their global spectrum and along with comprehensive integrated learning, 4th graders wrote messages to exchange with Canadian students.
"There aren't many children but the one's we have are bright and healthy" Sitting at a desk that holds 12 people with a tablet PC for each child placed on the table, the children typed their messages. At that moment, the messages along with pictures of the children's faces were displayed on the electric blackboard. The school has plans to mail the messages after receiving a translation of the messages from the Ishikari International Association.
-比較一瞬 Let's compare for a moment
On the 30th, at Kanayo municipal Elementary school in Minoo, Osaka, a 4th grade language class uses a textbook describing how to shoot television footage as learning material.
Instructor Yamada, Yosuke(25) displays the textbook on an electric blackboard and enlarges a picture of a soccer field. " Let's underline with blue marker the part that talks about this scene" A desk holding 31 students only contains computers, mouses and pencil cases. The children drew their lines on a computer screen's digital textbook by pressing the screen's marker button and choosing the blue color and using a specialized pen or mouse.
Instructor Yamada, one by one displayed on the electronic blackboard three student's screens. "Ah! That's different from mine." "It's the same." Student's voices are heard from every inch of the classroom.
This is a depiction of an advanced high-tech school promoting learning digitization.
A digital textbook that includes an electronic black board on a super big scale connected to a tablet and a screen that has the ability to turn pages. It's like a god-send so to speak.
And that's not all.
At Aoyama Elementary School in Minato, Tokyo, a class that uses multiplication formulas to create word problems uses digital pens. When pictures or letters are written on specialized paper, a small advanced camera reads the pen position's information. The information is sent to the computer through a wireless connection and projected on a big TV as an image.
In Kumamoto, Yamaga, Kudami Municipal Elementary School's Instructor Momoda Shisui (45) has developed and utilized around 30 multiplication and speed math digital education materials stating, "The good thing about digital when comparing it is that it has the ability to show change and movement [in the student's progression]"
-指で四択 Four choices at your fingertips
Learning using electronics is trying to spread from the classroom to the home.
In an attempt to see how learning at home in conjunction with the classroom has [on students] NTT sequentially from September are beginning to make 5th graders subjects at seven public elementary schools nationwide.
(Town Municipal) Yoron Elementary school in Kagoshima, Yorontou is one of these schools. In the middle of November, Harumi brings home a tablet operated by one's finger and does her homework in her living room.
4 choice questions arise where [students] read bar graphs about societal problems pertaining to most industrial areas or a region's amount production. When you select a number with your finger, a circle pops up right away along with the answer's explanation.
In Yorontou, three schools are participating in this exchange. Out of the 40 households participating in the study, NTT laid down new connections for the 11 households that didn't have broadband connection.
In Japan, computers began implementation in schools around a quarter of a century ago. Looking towards the "One child, one computer" generation, METI is now beginning research on the electronic textbook at the same school where technology-based experiments were carried out in a model school that the Ministry of Internal Affairs started last year. The subject schools [for the research] are over 20 schools. How will the classroom evolve in the future?
Displayed on the screen at the November 14th Ministry of Internal Affairs/METI's Co-Deputy Minister's council meeting was an image of elementary school student with a pen at hand, imputing letters on what seemed to be an electronic gaming device such as the Nintendo DS. There was also an instance where a big screen used as an electronic blackboard for learning was displayed.
This is one way of promoting a "Future School" started by the Ministry of Internal Affairs last year. With a special support plan, nationally 20 elementary and middle schools are waiting for a personal computer for every child. This also serves as a demonstration for METI's electronic textbooks.
On the day of the council meeting, there were nearly 100 people that wished to sit in on the meeting and thus the selection became a lottery drawing [for who got to sit in] METI 's policy director Ken Ito states, " Right now, there's a lot of concentration put on computerizing education."
Parent's expectations are also big. In a 2006 Benesse internet survey, 88% of 1800 parents of elementary and middle school students answered, "Computer's are beneficial to learning."
-あくまで道具 The only/sole tool
On the other hand, this same school is trying to calmly ease its way into the wave of digitization. Principal Kotake, Kyoko at one of the future schools, Higashiyama Municipal Elementary School located in Aichi, Obu states, " I'm most worried about if just using this digital equipment will perhaps become the goal of the class."
It's been around 1 year since the project began.
Children as well as teachers have gotten use to operating the machines. While studying on your own, personal computers will automatically grade Kanji drills and on the electronic black boards figures and shapes are able to move around freely. However others assert, "Digitization being the sole tool, if using paper and a chalk board make the concepts more easy to understand there's really no point."
All elementary schools in Kumamoto, Hitoyoshi have deployed a computer for every two students. Schools are realizing that seven schools connected under one network, there will inevitably be some classes will be out of the network's reach. At Azuma elementary this fall the 5th graders are learning about Minamata disease (Mercury poisoning) and as a group using a computer made newspaper articles. With this the feel of the digital classroom is changing. Children can already in an instant look up people they aren't familiar with on their cell phones. This is an age where the behavior of young people connected to the internet are dramatically changing the world.
However digital is not the only means. What I want to bring attention to is if this is really revolutionizing learning. Digital equipment is perfect for connecting children to information overseas and allowing for an exchange of ideas.
I want to spread not only a "cohesive classroom" where one teacher and his/her students learn while thinking about the same knowledge but also "Individualized learning" that meets a student's individual needs and "Collaborative learning" where everyone helps to teach each other. There are also other issues that should be considered. We have to hurry with research to figure out the impacts of giving electronic devices human intelligence.There's also various suitable learning methods such as just turning a page and writing notes that move the five senses. It's important to examine under what circumstances something should be used.
The TCT (Information and Communication Technologies) discussions tend to fall into the computer or human, digital or analog type of dichotomy between the two. In order for that not to happen, it's necessary for the "pen and paper" generation to learn more about the digital world. From the perspective of children living today, in this news paper I'd like to move forward and create new learning possibilities.
I think there's a lot of progress going on in the field of education and technology is another learning tool being introduced in schools since a lot of technology most kids use at their house anyway. Kids nowadays have ipads and iphones, computers and other digital devices already so I don't think it's such a bad idea to implement them into the classroom as well. Although I can see the worry some people have about making that be the sole priority and how other more traditional methods of learning maybe be more suitable to students. I think the author of the article was right in thinking that it's important to really find when it's appropriate to use what kinds of materials.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Amity General Offer...and other job interviews
So I just received an email giving me a general offer to pursue employment with Amity. While I am excited about this, I do have my worries because at this point in my life where my debt is so huge and I have so little saved, I don't think it's the best decision to go over to Japan right now. With Amity, you have to bring at least around $1500~$3000 with you to start up with because you won't be getting paid when you first start and there will be bills to pay. I don't have that kind of money right now and on top of that I have loans to pay off. If push comes to shove I will have to somehow get around $1000 working part-time somewhere and then go...and have to live off the salary that they give only being able to save maybe $50 a month.
However, I have been on two more interviews and hopefully I'll here back from one of them by the end of next week sometime. My thinking now is that if I can work here and get a pretty decent salary and study Japanese on my own for around a year in a half, then I would be ready to go over to Japan. I would be able to bring the amount of start up money I need and I would have more experience in a working environment that I could add to my resume and help me find another job when I get back to the states. I really feel that staying here is the best thing for me right now, not only financially but emotionally as well. I feel that I'm not ready to go back to Japan after my study abroad experience and to tell the truth I feel like my relationship with my boyfriend isn't strong enough for me to be that far away from him yet. There are just so many factors financially and emotionally that I don't know if going to Japan is the best thing for me right now.
I still do want to go back and I still want to study the language because it is ultimately my dream to become a translator. I love to connect different languages together and I love Japanese. I feel that after I study a little I have completed my day. It's a challenging language and at my level I am on the cusp of becoming an advanced learner. I feel that if I stay here and find a job or even if I go abroad to Japan, I will still have to put in extra time to studying, even though it will be a little easier going to Japan because I will be immersed in it. However, I think that even here I can still do a language exchange during the weekend and study while working in the states. I'm not going to give up on Japanese because I really find it rewarding in more ways than one.
Right now, I'm in a waiting period. Still waiting on some jobs I interviewed to get back to me and still waiting on what my next move will be post graduation. I'm still trying to look for jobs here in the states because I feel that will be my best bet before I try and make a year commitment to go back to Japan. However nothing is certain so I still have to keep Amity and teaching in Japan a viable option right now.
However, I have been on two more interviews and hopefully I'll here back from one of them by the end of next week sometime. My thinking now is that if I can work here and get a pretty decent salary and study Japanese on my own for around a year in a half, then I would be ready to go over to Japan. I would be able to bring the amount of start up money I need and I would have more experience in a working environment that I could add to my resume and help me find another job when I get back to the states. I really feel that staying here is the best thing for me right now, not only financially but emotionally as well. I feel that I'm not ready to go back to Japan after my study abroad experience and to tell the truth I feel like my relationship with my boyfriend isn't strong enough for me to be that far away from him yet. There are just so many factors financially and emotionally that I don't know if going to Japan is the best thing for me right now.
I still do want to go back and I still want to study the language because it is ultimately my dream to become a translator. I love to connect different languages together and I love Japanese. I feel that after I study a little I have completed my day. It's a challenging language and at my level I am on the cusp of becoming an advanced learner. I feel that if I stay here and find a job or even if I go abroad to Japan, I will still have to put in extra time to studying, even though it will be a little easier going to Japan because I will be immersed in it. However, I think that even here I can still do a language exchange during the weekend and study while working in the states. I'm not going to give up on Japanese because I really find it rewarding in more ways than one.
Right now, I'm in a waiting period. Still waiting on some jobs I interviewed to get back to me and still waiting on what my next move will be post graduation. I'm still trying to look for jobs here in the states because I feel that will be my best bet before I try and make a year commitment to go back to Japan. However nothing is certain so I still have to keep Amity and teaching in Japan a viable option right now.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Amity Interview (part 2) and going back to Maryland
So, if you've read my first post on Amity you know that I was invited for a second personal interview the next day. When I got the call me and my mom started jumping up and down because we accomplished what we came to this gnarly city to do. So the next day I wake up around 6:30 and get ready.
At the hotel where the interview is taking place, my administrator was waiting in another conference room different from the one we had the group interviews in. I walk in and she first asks me what I thought I did well about my lesson plan. I told her that I thought I did the visuals well and the repetition I incorporated into the lesson plan was also a plus. She agreed and said that I was also energetic and had a simple lesson that the kids could grasp onto. Also she said that my preparation for the lesson was phenomenal because of my props (my weather flash cards) which is a plus for me because I'm also able to draw and was able to create them. So, for anyone out there ready to do an Amity interview these are the things I would recommend.
1) Be energetic!! This goes a long way when if your lesson stinks. Also hope you get a group that's friendly and participates in your lesson. I was lucky enough to get a group that was very inviting and we supported each others lessons.
2) Be prepared and put time into your lesson. This is a big one. The more the recruiter sees that you put time into your lesson, the more she/he will see that you care and are motivated to continue on with the process if selected.
3) Make your lesson plan simple! This one is also a biggie. No need to make elaborate games or anything like that. The recruiter is looking for a lesson that teaches kids a simple phrase along to with 5 or 6 vocabulary words to accompany the lesson. Make sure you have a teaching element to your lesson. Games and activities are important to keep the kids attention but the most important is the teaching aspect of the lesson and this part you should show during your 5 min demonstration. So make it simple! For example: Create a lesson that has one central theme. Make some flash cards that have 5-6 vocabulary words on it and then try and incorporate a phrase that can be practically used in a real life situation.
4) Repetition and gestures. Although Amity loves songs, they also love repetition and gestures to try and get the kids to remember the material. Try and incorporate gestures and repetition like saying a vocabulary word three times and doing a gesture that can be associated with that word.
5) Be open. This job is no joke. It is very time consuming and being in a totally different culture also takes a toll on you. The recruiter wants to see that you are open to new experiences and willing to work hard for Amity. It's just like any other company that you apply to whether in the United States or in Japan. The company wants to see how hiring you will benefit the company and its ideals. So show that you are willing to work hard no matter what the situation and that you are open to a new culture and new experiences although you know that there will be hardships.
Well, that's all I can think of for the demonstration. So going on, I had to also do another lesson in the personal interview but this one wasn't nearly as nerve racking as the first one because the recruiter pretty much tells you what they expect you to do...I guess you can say guidelines and they give you 10 min to prepare and create the lesson. It doesn't have to be perfect because the recruiter understands that you only have 10 min to prepare and if you're like me you have pretty much no ESL teaching skills. Just try and incorporate as much as the recruiter tells you and pretend that the recruiter is the child your teaching. This isn't too hard because when the 10 min are up the recruiter actually comes into the room acting like a 5 year old Japanese kid. LOL Although this part is funny, you have to hold in your laughter and act professional.
After the lesson, we talked about any questions that I might have and about the dress code and the cost of starting up and living in Japan. She also quizzed me on some of the things we went over in the Amity presentation yesterday so during that presentation try and take notes, but if you remember one or two things you should be good. After that I handed her my references and she told me that I would hear from them in about a month or so about an opportunity for placement and that was the end. At first the interview process from reading it online was a little daunting but going in there and actually doing it made it seem not so bad! So just relax and go in there with a positive attitude!
So after everything was over, it was time for me and my mom to get out of this damn city!! We couldn't wait to get back home to Maryland...and I feel I can truly say that I am from Maryland now lol It's amazing what going to another state can do to change your perspective. I really felt that I was in a foreign county lol Our flight wasn't until 8 that night but we decided that going to the airport early, we could get put on standby and maybe have the chance to get put on an earlier flight. However, getting to the check in counter, I can't check my bag because you can only do that 4 hours before a flight. Since the next one leaving for Baltimore is not until 6 pm and we're there literally at 9 am it's pretty much impossible. I have to check my bag because I have my proactive toner and night toner in my bag all over the legal limit you can bring onto a plane...but of course my mom being the person she is makes me dump my face stuff into these bottles she was tucked away into her suitcase because she doesn't feel like waiting outside of security. I was a little mad at this and I did have a moment..and my mom calls me a bitch lol (this is the kind of relationship we have) but going through security and eating and being able to watch the football game, we made up and it was all good.
We wanted to get on the 6 pm flight back but the people at the counter were a little skeptical because the flight seemed full but we would be able to go on standby anyway. Waiting all that time at the airport and 6 pm finally rolls around and the people line up to get on the plane, we loose hope because it does seem like everyone is there and the plane would be full. There was even this other person on standby that tried to sneak on the plane lol As we're sitting there with no hope, our names are called to board and we spring up like giddy school girls that just won the lottery lol However, on the plane, since there wasn't enough room we had to check our bags anyway...but at no cost to us...I was kind of mad about that but if I hadn't gone through security and we hadn't been put on the waiting list early we would have never gotten the last two seats on the plane! So I guess my sacrifice wasn't for nothing.
Making it back to good ol' warm Maryland me and my mom were happy to be back...and hopefully I'll be employed by the end of this month so I can start paying my student loans T_T
At the hotel where the interview is taking place, my administrator was waiting in another conference room different from the one we had the group interviews in. I walk in and she first asks me what I thought I did well about my lesson plan. I told her that I thought I did the visuals well and the repetition I incorporated into the lesson plan was also a plus. She agreed and said that I was also energetic and had a simple lesson that the kids could grasp onto. Also she said that my preparation for the lesson was phenomenal because of my props (my weather flash cards) which is a plus for me because I'm also able to draw and was able to create them. So, for anyone out there ready to do an Amity interview these are the things I would recommend.

2) Be prepared and put time into your lesson. This is a big one. The more the recruiter sees that you put time into your lesson, the more she/he will see that you care and are motivated to continue on with the process if selected.

4) Repetition and gestures. Although Amity loves songs, they also love repetition and gestures to try and get the kids to remember the material. Try and incorporate gestures and repetition like saying a vocabulary word three times and doing a gesture that can be associated with that word.
5) Be open. This job is no joke. It is very time consuming and being in a totally different culture also takes a toll on you. The recruiter wants to see that you are open to new experiences and willing to work hard for Amity. It's just like any other company that you apply to whether in the United States or in Japan. The company wants to see how hiring you will benefit the company and its ideals. So show that you are willing to work hard no matter what the situation and that you are open to a new culture and new experiences although you know that there will be hardships.
Well, that's all I can think of for the demonstration. So going on, I had to also do another lesson in the personal interview but this one wasn't nearly as nerve racking as the first one because the recruiter pretty much tells you what they expect you to do...I guess you can say guidelines and they give you 10 min to prepare and create the lesson. It doesn't have to be perfect because the recruiter understands that you only have 10 min to prepare and if you're like me you have pretty much no ESL teaching skills. Just try and incorporate as much as the recruiter tells you and pretend that the recruiter is the child your teaching. This isn't too hard because when the 10 min are up the recruiter actually comes into the room acting like a 5 year old Japanese kid. LOL Although this part is funny, you have to hold in your laughter and act professional.
After the lesson, we talked about any questions that I might have and about the dress code and the cost of starting up and living in Japan. She also quizzed me on some of the things we went over in the Amity presentation yesterday so during that presentation try and take notes, but if you remember one or two things you should be good. After that I handed her my references and she told me that I would hear from them in about a month or so about an opportunity for placement and that was the end. At first the interview process from reading it online was a little daunting but going in there and actually doing it made it seem not so bad! So just relax and go in there with a positive attitude!
So after everything was over, it was time for me and my mom to get out of this damn city!! We couldn't wait to get back home to Maryland...and I feel I can truly say that I am from Maryland now lol It's amazing what going to another state can do to change your perspective. I really felt that I was in a foreign county lol Our flight wasn't until 8 that night but we decided that going to the airport early, we could get put on standby and maybe have the chance to get put on an earlier flight. However, getting to the check in counter, I can't check my bag because you can only do that 4 hours before a flight. Since the next one leaving for Baltimore is not until 6 pm and we're there literally at 9 am it's pretty much impossible. I have to check my bag because I have my proactive toner and night toner in my bag all over the legal limit you can bring onto a plane...but of course my mom being the person she is makes me dump my face stuff into these bottles she was tucked away into her suitcase because she doesn't feel like waiting outside of security. I was a little mad at this and I did have a moment..and my mom calls me a bitch lol (this is the kind of relationship we have) but going through security and eating and being able to watch the football game, we made up and it was all good.
We wanted to get on the 6 pm flight back but the people at the counter were a little skeptical because the flight seemed full but we would be able to go on standby anyway. Waiting all that time at the airport and 6 pm finally rolls around and the people line up to get on the plane, we loose hope because it does seem like everyone is there and the plane would be full. There was even this other person on standby that tried to sneak on the plane lol As we're sitting there with no hope, our names are called to board and we spring up like giddy school girls that just won the lottery lol However, on the plane, since there wasn't enough room we had to check our bags anyway...but at no cost to us...I was kind of mad about that but if I hadn't gone through security and we hadn't been put on the waiting list early we would have never gotten the last two seats on the plane! So I guess my sacrifice wasn't for nothing.
Making it back to good ol' warm Maryland me and my mom were happy to be back...and hopefully I'll be employed by the end of this month so I can start paying my student loans T_T
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Amity interview (part 1) and Boston
Well, I have completed the first day of the group interview for Amity. I feel it went pretty well. There was only nine of us and for the first part it was a presentation about Amity, the company, what to expect salary wise, challenges, life in Japan ect. Before the presentation we did an ice breaker exercise just to get everyone used to each other. The presentation did take a couple of hours but there were breaks in between to make it more bearable and the administrator was very nice and welcoming so that made the interview and the presentation go a lot faster and there wasn't as much stress and tension.
After the presentation, we had a short test that tested our grammar skills. I won't lie, the spelling part was kind of challenging because I rely on spell check so heavily that my spelling skills have gone to shit but I got through it. There's also a sentence part were you have to circle what part of the sentence is grammatically incorrect and explain how some words are used in English like the difference between "Put on" and "wear"
After the quiz we had a break for lunch after we broke up into two groups for presentations. I was in the group that went first and everyone in my group was really friendly and showed a lot of energy. We all helped each other out with our presentations and I felt that the environment was really inviting and friendly. I felt my presentation was average and I could have done more to make it more interactive in order to get the kids moving more and keep their attention but all in all I felt because of the energy of my group and my preparation it went pretty well. After your group is finished presentations you are allowed to leave and wait for a phone call that night to see if you are invited to a personal interview the next day.
I got the call for the personal interview and I will have that at 8 am tomorrow.
For Boston, I feel that the weather is really cold here...and the drivers are really aggressive. They do come of as rude in some instances and I feel that's a real turn off for me. I'm sure a lot of other people have had very nice experiences with the people here in Boston but for me personally I don't really care for the city that much. Even though the whole experience isn't so bad because I'm here with my mom and she always has a good time where ever she is and has the ability to put a smile on your face. I'm really glad I came here with her.
After the presentation, we had a short test that tested our grammar skills. I won't lie, the spelling part was kind of challenging because I rely on spell check so heavily that my spelling skills have gone to shit but I got through it. There's also a sentence part were you have to circle what part of the sentence is grammatically incorrect and explain how some words are used in English like the difference between "Put on" and "wear"
After the quiz we had a break for lunch after we broke up into two groups for presentations. I was in the group that went first and everyone in my group was really friendly and showed a lot of energy. We all helped each other out with our presentations and I felt that the environment was really inviting and friendly. I felt my presentation was average and I could have done more to make it more interactive in order to get the kids moving more and keep their attention but all in all I felt because of the energy of my group and my preparation it went pretty well. After your group is finished presentations you are allowed to leave and wait for a phone call that night to see if you are invited to a personal interview the next day.
I got the call for the personal interview and I will have that at 8 am tomorrow.
For Boston, I feel that the weather is really cold here...and the drivers are really aggressive. They do come of as rude in some instances and I feel that's a real turn off for me. I'm sure a lot of other people have had very nice experiences with the people here in Boston but for me personally I don't really care for the city that much. Even though the whole experience isn't so bad because I'm here with my mom and she always has a good time where ever she is and has the ability to put a smile on your face. I'm really glad I came here with her.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Interviews...Interviews and more Interviews
So, for the past three months I've been going on countless interviews. I've really tried hard but with no luck thus far. Only rejection after rejection. This week I had an interview with a law firm and really seemed like a place I could thrive at. I really tried my best at the interview and wanted to do this person that yes, I am right for this job. But my interpersonal skills are just so bad that I feel like I just shy into a corner and play myself down. I try to prepare for these types of interviews as best I can, but I can only do so much until you have to rely on coming up with stuff on the spot. I'm not good at that...and it really hurts my interview skills...and that's probably why I haven't been hired yet. I really hope that I can get through to the job I had an interview with last Thursday though. Fingers crossed I guess.
Onto my next interview which is an interview with Amity. I'm here in Boston right now with my mom for two days ready to undergo this two day interview process. It's really cold up here! I've read online that the interview process is pretty rough but if you take it one step at a time, have confidence and a lot of energy you should be able to do fine. I always thought I wanted to teach English in Japan after I graduated...felt that it was my only choice. But after going though all these interviews...and failing miserably at them, I first thought that maybe teaching English isn't the only thing I can do with my Japanese. There's other options out there. However after failing on each of the interviews I've went to thus far...I'm starting to get that feeling back again. On top of that I'm also scared that maybe I won't be able to even teach English because these people won't be able to see my potential either because of my poor interview skills. I try to be enthusiastic but not over the top. Interested but not obsessive. It's hard to find the right balance...not just in interviews but with everything in life I guess.
Anyway, I hope all goes well with this Amity interview and I get an offer with them...and with the other law firm people I interviewed with. I hope I'll have luxury of being able to decided one or the other...but if that's not the case then I have the back up-back up plan of applying to the JET program again and looking for anything else I can find in the classified section. I really hope things start to look up for me soon...I really want to be able to have a chance to prove myself and my abilities.
Onto my next interview which is an interview with Amity. I'm here in Boston right now with my mom for two days ready to undergo this two day interview process. It's really cold up here! I've read online that the interview process is pretty rough but if you take it one step at a time, have confidence and a lot of energy you should be able to do fine. I always thought I wanted to teach English in Japan after I graduated...felt that it was my only choice. But after going though all these interviews...and failing miserably at them, I first thought that maybe teaching English isn't the only thing I can do with my Japanese. There's other options out there. However after failing on each of the interviews I've went to thus far...I'm starting to get that feeling back again. On top of that I'm also scared that maybe I won't be able to even teach English because these people won't be able to see my potential either because of my poor interview skills. I try to be enthusiastic but not over the top. Interested but not obsessive. It's hard to find the right balance...not just in interviews but with everything in life I guess.
Anyway, I hope all goes well with this Amity interview and I get an offer with them...and with the other law firm people I interviewed with. I hope I'll have luxury of being able to decided one or the other...but if that's not the case then I have the back up-back up plan of applying to the JET program again and looking for anything else I can find in the classified section. I really hope things start to look up for me soon...I really want to be able to have a chance to prove myself and my abilities.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
So I just had a fight with my boyfriend and we are really in a love hate relationship right now. Recently it's been more about the fighting and hate. It started off as something small and just exploded into something huge. I was jealous of him because of the way things are just handed to him. He has never worked a day in his life and his parents spoil him to the max. No debt, no worries, found a good job...the life right? On top of that his parents get him a brand new phone as a "going away present" How could I not be jealous of his life right? I feel anyone would. I know it was selfish of me to wear my emotions on my sleeve and act shitty to him even though he did nothing wrong to me personally and only has shown me unconditional love but it's just part of my nature show my emotions. If I'm jealous, I'm jealous it doesn't matter who it is. My mom, my sisters, my dad, my boyfriend, it doesn't matter.
Of course when we get on Skype I'm a bitch because all I can think about is how this spoiled brat gets everything and I have to work just to get a crumb in this world and at first I didn't want to tell him, but him being the god boyfriend that he is wants to know what's bothering me so I tell him. I tell him I'm jealous and that I'm starting to feel negative feelings toward him. That maybe we should call it quits because we live in two different worlds. I come from a background where you basically have to work for everything and he comes from one where everything is handed to him. I was angry at this fact and hurt. I felt conflicted inside because the one man that I've ever adored is the one man that I'm beginning to detest because he's the spoiled rich kid. Of course he says "what can I do...I didn't do anything to bring this about ect..ect.." and I kind of feel bad for even bringing it up in the first place but since it's out in the open might as well clear the air...or make it even more filthy.
We start fighting at this point and I'm trying to tell him that I told him how I felt because he asked and that even though I felt that way it would pass and I hoped that we would give my some reassurance about the whole situation and my feelings at the time. Instead, he agrees with me and says that whatever makes me happy and this got me even more upset because when he was wavering about out relationship when his parents were telling us to break up, I soundly and surly told him that we were going to make it through and that anything he was feeling now was temporary. That even though he had he's doubts now, I would stay with him and we would be together another day. I tried to reassure him that things were going to work out, that it was going to be ok. I was looking for that from him when I was telling him about my feelings tonight...but that didn't happen.
He made me question whether or not he really wanted to be with me because not once did he state that he wanted me to stay with him. That he wanted me by his side regardless of what I was feeling because feelings will past and love will remain. He didn't say any of that. He was complacent and ambivalent to the whole thing. When I started to tell him about why I was even more upset with him, he says that he's not going to say that he'll die without me and beg me to stay while putting a ring on my finger. At this point I can't believe he's saying any of this because I wasn't eluding to any of that nonsense. All I wanted was a little bit of reassurance and not a whole fiasco about you're right I'm wrong, let's break up and forget about each other type of fight.
He continues to say that what am I going to do when he starts working 9-10 hours a day and comes home tired and I start complaining about how there's not enough communication. I tell him that I only complain about that now because when we talk is so precarious I don't know if I'll even get a good morning or a hi that day. I told him that we need consistency and that we should plan to Skype every night at 10 until otherwise noted. After that we kind of made up but I can still feel the tension with him. I hate to have to go to bed fighting because I never like fighting with no resolve. I do admit I can be clingy at times and over jealous and I'm trying to work on that but he also has his faults that I put up with I guess we just have to work on it one day at a time. There's a lot of time an effort that needs to be put into relationships and there are a lot of different emotions involved.
At this stage in our relationship and the hardships that we've faced thus far with his family not wanting him to see this transition period in both of our lives from school to work, the road ahead is so bleak and bumpy I have no idea where it leads to. In my mind I want and believe...I have faith that it will work out with him but sometimes I also need reassurance that he has the same faith that I do. It's all any girl really wants right? Reassurance that the guy she's with has the same faith in the relationship that she does. Is that too much to ask for? I hope not because with so much uncertainty ahead its impeccable that we both have faith in each other and ourselves. For my relationship it's not a question of being faithful to each's of being faithful in one another and in our relationship. Maybe in addition to I love you...we should also say I have faith in you...
Of course when we get on Skype I'm a bitch because all I can think about is how this spoiled brat gets everything and I have to work just to get a crumb in this world and at first I didn't want to tell him, but him being the god boyfriend that he is wants to know what's bothering me so I tell him. I tell him I'm jealous and that I'm starting to feel negative feelings toward him. That maybe we should call it quits because we live in two different worlds. I come from a background where you basically have to work for everything and he comes from one where everything is handed to him. I was angry at this fact and hurt. I felt conflicted inside because the one man that I've ever adored is the one man that I'm beginning to detest because he's the spoiled rich kid. Of course he says "what can I do...I didn't do anything to bring this about ect..ect.." and I kind of feel bad for even bringing it up in the first place but since it's out in the open might as well clear the air...or make it even more filthy.
We start fighting at this point and I'm trying to tell him that I told him how I felt because he asked and that even though I felt that way it would pass and I hoped that we would give my some reassurance about the whole situation and my feelings at the time. Instead, he agrees with me and says that whatever makes me happy and this got me even more upset because when he was wavering about out relationship when his parents were telling us to break up, I soundly and surly told him that we were going to make it through and that anything he was feeling now was temporary. That even though he had he's doubts now, I would stay with him and we would be together another day. I tried to reassure him that things were going to work out, that it was going to be ok. I was looking for that from him when I was telling him about my feelings tonight...but that didn't happen.
He made me question whether or not he really wanted to be with me because not once did he state that he wanted me to stay with him. That he wanted me by his side regardless of what I was feeling because feelings will past and love will remain. He didn't say any of that. He was complacent and ambivalent to the whole thing. When I started to tell him about why I was even more upset with him, he says that he's not going to say that he'll die without me and beg me to stay while putting a ring on my finger. At this point I can't believe he's saying any of this because I wasn't eluding to any of that nonsense. All I wanted was a little bit of reassurance and not a whole fiasco about you're right I'm wrong, let's break up and forget about each other type of fight.
He continues to say that what am I going to do when he starts working 9-10 hours a day and comes home tired and I start complaining about how there's not enough communication. I tell him that I only complain about that now because when we talk is so precarious I don't know if I'll even get a good morning or a hi that day. I told him that we need consistency and that we should plan to Skype every night at 10 until otherwise noted. After that we kind of made up but I can still feel the tension with him. I hate to have to go to bed fighting because I never like fighting with no resolve. I do admit I can be clingy at times and over jealous and I'm trying to work on that but he also has his faults that I put up with I guess we just have to work on it one day at a time. There's a lot of time an effort that needs to be put into relationships and there are a lot of different emotions involved.
At this stage in our relationship and the hardships that we've faced thus far with his family not wanting him to see this transition period in both of our lives from school to work, the road ahead is so bleak and bumpy I have no idea where it leads to. In my mind I want and believe...I have faith that it will work out with him but sometimes I also need reassurance that he has the same faith that I do. It's all any girl really wants right? Reassurance that the guy she's with has the same faith in the relationship that she does. Is that too much to ask for? I hope not because with so much uncertainty ahead its impeccable that we both have faith in each other and ourselves. For my relationship it's not a question of being faithful to each's of being faithful in one another and in our relationship. Maybe in addition to I love you...we should also say I have faith in you...
Monday, October 1, 2012
Luv and skin care
So, today I was looking on YouTube and one of my favorite YouTube personalities kim luvnaturals has created a hair care product line! I have to say I am thoroughly impressed with her. I had been watching her YouTube channel since I went natural and all of her videos really show her trying to work hard to learn, educate and help black women manage the hair that grow out of their head. It's hard out there since most products are only geared and marketed towards people with straight hair and those marketed to blacks are predominantly in chemically straightened out hair to conform to the "straight" haired market. Products that are good for and actually work for natural haired blacks is far and few between and thus I'm so amazed that luvnaturals took the opportunity to make a product line geared toward the natural black community. From the reviews I've seen off YouTube, this product smells great, has a slip factor that detangles hair and especially with the shampoo doesn't leave the hair feeling stripped or dry because of the sulfates shampoos often contain. Although the product line is $13 for each product (a steep amount for some that are on a VERY strict budget) The bottles should last at least for a couple months so the money that you do spend goes a long way. I'm very excited to try luvnaturals product line and hopefully it will give me the results everyone else is getting.
I also wanted to talk about skin care. As fall approaches and the weather chills, my face has been having some problems to say the least. During the summer I really didn't have a problem with acne but as fall came around pimples just start popping up like daisies. I have to admit I have had boyfriend stress, stress from loans, not being able to find a job, emotionally feelings, and everything that have been taking a toll on me and I feel my body is also reacting to it. I do try to eat healthy and I drink water on a regular basis, absolutely no soda and I do try to have three balanced meals but I feel that because it's getting colder my pores are shrinking because its getting cold. In the morning, when I wash my face my pored open up a little but not enough to the point where I can clean them and seal in what I need. I figured that I need to open my pores more so I can wash and clean the dirt and grim and not have anymore pimples come up. I decided that I need to put a steamy wash cloth over my face for around 5 min and then go on with my regular routine. I have tried this method today and I have to say my face does feel a lot different and cleaner, so I think I will stick with this and see how the results pan out.
I also wanted to talk about skin care. As fall approaches and the weather chills, my face has been having some problems to say the least. During the summer I really didn't have a problem with acne but as fall came around pimples just start popping up like daisies. I have to admit I have had boyfriend stress, stress from loans, not being able to find a job, emotionally feelings, and everything that have been taking a toll on me and I feel my body is also reacting to it. I do try to eat healthy and I drink water on a regular basis, absolutely no soda and I do try to have three balanced meals but I feel that because it's getting colder my pores are shrinking because its getting cold. In the morning, when I wash my face my pored open up a little but not enough to the point where I can clean them and seal in what I need. I figured that I need to open my pores more so I can wash and clean the dirt and grim and not have anymore pimples come up. I decided that I need to put a steamy wash cloth over my face for around 5 min and then go on with my regular routine. I have tried this method today and I have to say my face does feel a lot different and cleaner, so I think I will stick with this and see how the results pan out.
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