Friday, May 13, 2011

2Years now~~~

OK! So I'm back from study abroad if you've been following my blog in Japan, and today is the 2 year anniversary since I cut off all my hair and went natural! Today I decided to flat iron it and see how long it is was painful as HELL!!! Trying to straighten natural black hair is so painful T^T I was crying the whole time, but I just took the pain because I wanted to see how long it was....if I had a tooth nozzle for my blow dyer and my maxi-glide flat iron, it probably wouldn't have hurt so much...but anyway, I'm pretty surprised at how long my hair is! It's much longer than I had expected, and that means I'm taking good care of my hair and doing what I need to make it grow! At first I had doubts but now I know I'm actually doing the right thing! By this time next year, I think my hair should be all the way down my back! I'm so excited about it!

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