Well, it's almost time for summer school now and...I have mixed feelings about it. A part of me is looking forward to begin classes in America again and start my internship but then a part of me just wants to have fun this summer like I had originally planned. I want to graduate though so this summer school thing can't be helped. I graduate around this time next year and one thing that's been on my mind.... a lot LOL are the loans that I took out to pay for the moment I walk across that stage in May.
Being a student in America, from elementary school to college, I have to say has some advantages but there are a lot of disadvantages as well. From elementary to high school, most children including myself go to public school which is free and funded by the government, as it should be in my opinion. There's no competition to get into the best high school or....even elementary school (yes I've been looking at that one Japanese drama..namae wo nakushita megami...and if what they say in that drama is true..Japan has some serious problems..seriously) because you go to the school that's closest to where you live. Although this poses as a problem because where you live can decide if you get a better education than others, which leads into social class issues and stuff like that but that's how it is for now. However once you get to college, it's totally different. First, you have to have worked your ass of in high school just to get an ounce of hope of getting into a decent school and along with worrying about good SAT scores, which I have mixed feelings about as well it's hard for students to go to college. I mean, I took the SAT's and ok, most of the stuff on there, are things you should have learned in high school to get ready for college. But...I mean some of the questions on that test... are ridiculous. I mean, for the math part, since I've been in college, I have never done any of the questions that have been on that test and for the reading, why do they give kids words that....maybe only linguist majors would know...and then on top of that THE FEE that you have to pay in order to just take the test is ridiculous as well!! $43 to take a test! WHAT! Are you F**in' kidding me! Students already have to look forward to paying thousands of dollars to just get a higher education and you're telling me we all have to pay 43 dollars to get an assessment of ourselves..oh! And wait, this doesn't include the class fees that you potentially have to pay for if your school doesn't provide SAT prep in order to get AT LEAST a decent score on the test...because well, if you're not satisfied, you're going to have to pay that $43 fee again and who knows how many times you're going to have to take it! Where is all this money going! Some people can't go to college because they can't pay the damn fee to take an assessment test...*sigh* but I do see the need for the test to just assess how well a student would do in college, but I don't think college's should put that much weight on these scores because, they are just that...scores,only assessments of POSSIBILITY! If you really want to assess the student look at their grades and how much they are willing to put in the time to make decent grades. Now I know that there are flaws in this as well because according to the school, getting an A can be easier or harder and that's something that should be taken into consideration as well...maybe there needs to be a mix or a balance of the two in order to make a good assessment...I'm not even sure LOL
Well after you have to battle with this and you get into school, your like “finally! I did it! I paid my $43+ and I worked my ass off and I did it!” Your happy as hell...until you receive a $50,000 bill in the mail saying pay this by this date..or you can't go to school..it kind of brings the high down into a slight depression. So you do all that work to get in, just to rack up a nice big debt that you have to pay when you get out! Oh, the glorious life of a college student. Don't get me wrong there are scholarships and financial aid that the school gives to you and that really helps but....most of the time it only covers half, or maybe not even half of every thing that you have to pay for...when I graduate, I'm probably going to be looking at a 60,000~70,000 dollar debt that I have to pay. Now for me specifically I transferred schools so that set me back a year and it was costly but I felt that at the school I was at...would I really like being a French major? I asked myself this and I really wouldn't have enjoyed it. I would have paid all this money only for something that....I would wake up every morning and hate! Why would I do that to myself LOL So yeah I transferred and I would probably say it was one of the best things that I've done for myself...LOL although my wallet would probably say otherwise. But that's one of the problems I think we have to fix in America! students graduating from pretty decent schools that are just undergraduate universities with 100,000 dollar debts is not cool!
But anyway, sorry for the rant LOL I usually don't complain this much LOL but since I'm graduating soon...this type of stuff has been on my mind. I try not to let it get to me that much though, and look at the positive side of things. I mean like I'm blessed enough to have my dad here that has been paying what he can and after I graduate will probably take on half of the debts that me AND my sisters have made T^T I love you daddy! and then after graduation, there's a whole new chapter of my life that's ready to be written BY ME LOL..that's exciting, but sometimes it does scare me...but when does life not scare people a little you know. Just thinking about it, I have a pretty good life and I'm really blessed.
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