Friday, June 11, 2010

Okay, it's been officially one year

The picture on the right is when I first cut my hair and the picture on the left is a year later

Well, it's officially been a year since I went natural and looking at the pictures I took when I first got my hair cut, I think I've come a long way but still have a long ways to go....I'm trying to grow m hair past mt shoulders and if it grows more than that then ..the more the better. I know I talked about my hair a lot but I feel that going natural has been the biggest decision I've made in my life LOL!!! I know that is a big statement to make so...maybe I should say ONE of the biggest. Right now, when stretched, my hair comes to my jaw/chin bone and in the back goes to around nape of my neck.


SWK said...

i know what you mean. It's hard growing out our hair.....why oh why?? haha. I'm in the same boat! and it's funny that you posted this cuz i just did a post about my hair too!! ^-^

Asheli said...

LOL!!! Don't worry! There are plenty of doll like girls in Korea that have short hair....but I think the doll like image is more of a Japanese thing than a Korean thing, but I understand what you mean LOL!!! Yeah, when I went to Korea, so many people stared at me because my hair and I guess everything else about me was just so different...but I don't think you should have such a hard time with people staring at you, even though some people will just because you're a foreigner (you'll get used to it LOL) but I've never heard of the prenatal pill hair growth thing LOL!! From my experience and what I've seen, regular washes, taking care of your hair and just leaving it alone will allow it to grow. (This means trying not to dye, put a lot of heat like flat irons and stuff on your hair) but Good Luck and let me know how it goes! and thanks for reading my blog~^^ oh btw, what school do you go to?