Well, It's been almost a year since I went natural with my hair and this year as been a real experience for me. At times I have felt regretful for cutting off all my hair and starting over from scratch and there were some days when I felt that I was ugly because of the way my hair was compared to the other people around me. Other days I felt regretful that I didn't go natural sooner because then maybe I would have longer natural hair than I do now. Right now, my hair reaches around the nape of my neck. I've come to realize that the most important thing that you need when having and trying to grow black hair is time and patients. It's a very slow process but the results are worth it. There's this one girl in my Chinese and Japanese literature class that has this beautiful long natural hair and every time I see her I just feel a little jealous but she is like an idol to me and what I wish my hair will become. Going through this process, I have actually felt that I've become more independent and free. Before, I use to have to rely on perms every two weeks and I couldn't get it wet and there were just so many rules. After going natural, I feel like I am free from hair constraints so to speak, but at a price. I always feel self conscience when I walk around with hair in my natural state and when I went to Korea, I felt so uncomfortable partly because of how my hair was so different. However, going through this experience, I feel that I have become healthier and a more happier person overall. There are times that I feel crappy because of my hair but I don't think I will ever go back to getting perms and I think that I am now in the process of accepting a new me.
Asheli General!!!!!
love this asheli im starting to go natural thats why i braiding my hair and getting sew in so its a easier transformation than cutting it all off oh yea please follow my blog
Hey Erika, thanks for your comment, I'm following your blog now and you can check out my blog I'm doing in Japan at http://shishijinsei.posterous.com/
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