Hi everyone. I know I haven't written in a long time and to be honest I have been 1/2 busy and 1/2 too lazy to do so. I'm in my winter term of graduate school in Japan and I can honestly say that it has been a humbling and eye opening experience for me thus far.
I have figured out what I want my research topic to be but I'm not sure about how I will go about collecting empirical data for it. There are several options I have but finding the one that will best suit the ends to my means is difficult to decide.
This semester I have taken my first graduate class in Japanese and at first it was very daunting. to be honest it still is but I am trying to pull through. I know that the language in an academic setting is another world entirely that needs time to get use to and sometimes I do feel overwhelmed but the teacher and the other students are nice and (to what I can assume anyway) not judgmental so I will do my best to tough it out.
In addition, I have started my own YouTube channel about my experiences in Japan. It's not too interesting but I hope to make more videos in the future and try to talk about subject matter that's relatable and interesting to people. Please subscribe and give me some suggestions =)
Also, it's almost been three years that I have been with my boyfriend and lord...that just deserves a whole separate blob post for that. However, despite all the things we go through I love him and appreciate him. Hoping that there will be more years to come I cross my fingers and pray XD
When I first started this blog, I focused a lot on my hair since in 2009 I cut all my hair off to begin my "natural" me journey...or rather to not care about what society thought of my "wild" hair and just let it grow out of my hair free. I have learned a lot this past five years of living with my natural hair and to be honest it feels like I'm just beginning to learn what my hair does and doesn't like. It's grown a lot as you can tell and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future hold for me and my hair journey. I'm actually not one of those girls that's obsessed about length. I use to be though. Now, I just let it do whatever and am grateful that I have healthy hair on my head. However, I'm not about "tail bone almost touching the floor" hair life. I really don't have time for that! So once my hair goes past armpit length, its snip*snip.
Anyway, I just wanted to write an update on my life and thank everyone for reading.
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