So my onni and I went to the set of Coffee Prince..but before we did that we went to a Japanese type restaurant to eat.....it was SOOOO good...and really cheap, I couldn't believe how cheap the food was, I think I ate so much but only paid around $10-12 for it!!

Okay so here is the Coffee Prince set !!! I was so excited when we got there, LOL (I was kind of freakin' out a little I couldn't believe I was there) but when we got in there, we had to order something just to take pictures of the place. I just ordered a hot chocolate (even though it was hot as hell outside LOL) and my onni ordered coffee.....LOL This is sooo funny though, when my onni got her coffee she said "OMG, this coffee is sooo bad, they had better coffee at that 2 dollar place" LOL!!! So just for future reference, don't order coffee at the coffee prince shop LOL!!! The place was real pretty though, it felt like I could actually be in the drama!!!

Here's more pictures of the Coffee Prince Shop:

So here's the next site of the Coffee Prince that we went to, Choi Han Sung's House in the drama, let me just point out that this place is in the middle of NO WHERE!!! Me and Hyemi had to hike up this huge hill and take like 2 buses to get to this place!!! But it was worth it, because the insides pretty cool and besides, how many times am I gonna be on the set of the Coffee Prince? In the drama though, they made it look like Han Sung's house and the coffee shop was so close to each other!!! On another note, when me and my onni were leaving this site to get lunch, I remember this one boy who was mentally disabled that was walking I guess to his house and when me and my onni passed him, he looked at me and said "우와~~깜둥이다!" and I was like "onni what is that?" because I didn't even know what it meant but my onni was like "don't worry about it, just let's go, I'll tell you later" and on the bus, she was like, "yeah, that boy was mentally disabled so he didn't know what he was saying but basically it's like saying nigger or something like that" I was like "oh okay.....LOL" I just had to laugh because the little boy said it such fascination that I couldn't help but laugh.

So to commemorate our journey, me and Hyemi wrote in one of the guest books at the 2nd site
i love that show!!!! :) I want to go to that coffee shop when i visit korea next year!
Where is Choi Han Sung's house?
Where is Choi Han Sung's house? And can you go in it (do you have to pay?) ? And what are the opening times if there are any for both the coffee shop and Choi Han Sung's house.
It's been a while since I've visited so I forgot the exact location but I think it is in Seoul. It's free to visit and when I went, it was during the summer in the middle of the day. I'm not sure about the opening and closing times though. Sorry!
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