When I was in Korea, one of the things I did was make these planner like type things. It was really fun...but the directions were in Korean so my onni had to help me a little LOL!! (I literally just copied everything she did...sometimes I really feel that my friend is like my big sister!) But yeah that was the first time I ever did that before and it was a lot of fun especially since I got to hang out with one of my onni's friends from high school. She didn't really talk that much to me but then again I didn't really talk that much to her either...I think it was because of the language barrier (If only I knew more Korean!!!)

I never thought I could actually make these things,I would always buy them from the store! When my friend told her mom what we did that day she was like "What! Are you three or something!" I laughed when my friend told me because I thought it was fun! I guess it's something you do when your young in Korea but I can see myself making those things everyday...it helps release stress and there soooo cute!!

This is the finished product of my hard work! (Mine is the one on the right in the first picture and the bottom one on the second picture) My onni's looked so much better than mine! Mine looked like a kindergarten had made it! LOL
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