Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Computer

Well everyone, I know I haven't told the whole story or even any of the story of how my laptop broke, but this morning I got a call from OIT (my school's repair computer service) and they said that after buying a new display screen and switch board which I have to pay for, the computer is still not working, in fact, the computer isn't even turning on!!!!! O_O!!!! So the OIT people call me about my laptop and I go to them and ask what was the problem. They then tell me all of what I told you just now and then the guy goes on to say that HP has a recall for the same problems I'm having. Now, if I would have known this shit, or if HP would have told me this shit when I called them, my computer would already have been fixed by now but NOOOO, when I call these assholes, all they tell me is that I need to pay $50 to talk to a technician because my warranty is up and that's all they could do. So now, the OIT guy at my school is telling me that I now have to send my computer in to HP but it shouldn't cost me anything because HP has a recall on the defects I'm having. Right now, I don't even know what to do, but I do know I can't do anything else except wait.

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