Wednesday, March 6, 2013

MVA Driving skills test-FAILED...twice

This week I had a driving skills test scheduled for Monday at the MVA. However, the first time I failed because I bumped into a cone on the parallel parking section. After I bumped into the cone the test was over and I was unable to continue-FAILED.

After failing the first time, I paid my driving school $110 so that I could review the parallel parking section along with the Reverse turn about section I was unable to do. After I did the review two hour course I did have some confidence in myself and the test.

 I rescheduled for Wednesday and it just so happened that there is a huge storm coming that will affect my hometown including where the MVA is. However, I went because when I called the people working there said driving skill tests were being held as normal. This time, I didn't bump into anything but my time ran up for the parallel parking section and again I was unable to continue-FAIL. I've failed two times in one week and wasn't able to get my license as planned. Now I have to go to Japan and whenever I come back I have to apply for a new learners permit (pay another $50)  and schedule to retake the test.

During the test I took my mom's Nissan Ultima...which is about 6 years old. The breaks and everything are in good condition but I feel that I should have asked to use my dad's car since it is a little newer, smaller and the breaks work better. With the older Nissan, I feel that it takes more dexterity to do multiple things. In the parallel parking section, you're not encouraged to use the gas and it should all be a breaking and turning maneuver. However, I feel with the Nissan I couldn't help but to use the gas as well because the car just wouldn't move. I feel that if I would have taken my dad's car maybe I would have had a better chance at passing...but what's done is done and I didn't pass so I have to wait until I get back to take the test again.  

Sunday, March 3, 2013






なので、友達と家族に会えなくて寂しくなりますが、残っていた数週間にできるだけ会ってあいかわらず優しくしてくれて勇気をもらったので後悔はありません(・∀・) 残っていた用事は飛行機に乗るだけです。アメリカ、いってきます!!