Well, I'm finally done with the first session of summer school and that means I'm finally done with my Psychology class!! That was a rough class from me mentally because it really brought up some feelings that I would have rather liked to have kept buried away deep inside me...but in some ways I'm glad that the class brought up feelings and certain paranormal fears because it made me realize that I have unresolved problems in myself related to my parents divorce and my own personality. I've started seeing a therapist and I'm not even sure if it will help but I'm thinking it will...talking out problems I have seems to be helpful I guess...but anyway, I'm so glad that class is over. It's not that that teacher was mean or anything that was the exact opposite! He was so nice that I could even earn an A in the class....and psychology is not my forte let me tell you! But the class was at 6, so after my internship I had to go right to class which was so tiring for me...and then all the things we talked about in that class were just mentally tiring for me, so after that class I just felt like I was going to break down. But I'm proud of myself because I hung in there and passed the class. It just shows what type of person I am for doing that I think. From this experience I feel like I've become a stronger person....mentally at least. I'll continue my therapy every Friday and hopefully I can become a more mentally stronger person and change my personality to be a more outgoing and flamboyant person.....even though I don't want to change too much because sometimes I like the introverted part of myself.
As for dance, I've started taking drop in dance classes at Joy of Motion on H street in DC. It's pretty good even though I have to take 2 buses to and from every Saturday. But I take two classes there and it's all hip hop based so I'm pretty pleased. The last class I had we did a pretty wide variety of hiphop dance styles including breaking, whacking, house, old school hiphop ect.. That was actually the first time I've ever done breaking and whacking and it's actually pretty fun (especially whacking) but my arms got really tired >< The second class I take there is more choreography where the instructor shows us moves he/she created to a particular song. I like this class too because I LOVE doing choreo! I hope by the time I finish this summer I'm able to pick up moves more easily and be able to learn more quickly....I also want to try out for the dance team again...even though I failed last time, I'm actually pretty nervous about it, but I hope the therapy that I'm going to can make me change into the person I need to get on the team. I think my problem last time was just my personality. I was so shy and timid that when it came time to freestyle, the part that they based the most importance on, I just couldn't do it because I was too embarrassed. I really don't like that part about myself, so I'm hoping to change a little.